Upcoming Brew Day

Well, I'm in the midst of planning my next Brew Day. Right now, it's scheduled for the 21st of the month, but much of that "schedule" is really weather-dependent. We were snowed in this past weekend; the backyard hasn't even really begun to thaw, and I can't yet access my BrewStand. To top it off, there's another "killer" snowstorm headed this way, supposedly to hit us Tuesday night/Wednesday, and drop another foot of snow. I'm not sure we'll be dug out by the 21st...

While (ahem) "enjoying" the current winter wonderland, though, a thought struck me--all of this lovely, clean, frozen water, all around me. So, I pulled out my trusty AlePails (they were on the back patio, in a snowdrift) and filled them with packed fresh snow. I'm bringing them inside (as I find room for them) to thaw, and will hopefully be able to snag enough water eventually to do one batch of beer from snow-melt. I'm thinking something light and crisp, perhaps a lightly-colored AIPA, to be enjoyed mid-summer (when I can sit in shorts & a t-shirt outside and recall fondly the snow that made it possible)... A snappy name for the beer should be relatively easy, too. Ah, plans...

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