Happy Holidays!

I hope everyone is doing well this Holiday season. The morning package-opening festivities have wound down at our house, and all parts of the dinner are at their proper stage (roasting, chilling, baking, rising, etc.). All is as right with the world as can probably be expected.

It did my heart good last night, listening to my two Daughters (ages 6 and 8) discussing what to leave Santa for a snack. "Something healthy" was elected for the solid part; the interesting thing was their discussion of what type of beer to leave him--whether he'd prefer an IPA (for its hoppy crispness) or a Brown Ale (malty sweetness). Wiser heads (my Lady Wife) prevailed, however, and Santa got a glass of milk. (For the record, Santa would have preferred the IPA; Mrs. Claus isn't such a hop-fan, and the Brown Ale would have been more her style.)

My web-site is undergoing changes, and I hope to have it back up fully early in the New Year. Please stick around, Dear Reader, for 2010--I've got quite a few things planned, projects to make, and (of course) beer to brew! Once again, Happy Holidays, and a Joyous New Year!

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